Monday, February 18, 2008

I.N.S.E.A.D. towards the end of P1

I.N.S.E.A.D - I Never Sleep Enough After December (2007...)
because ... I Never Stop Eating And Drinking ?? :p
(if you are an INSEAD December class)

It's crazy how 2 months fly pass and the first term examination is approaching !!
(and Euro 10,000 tuition fee is now Realised Cost... oh how we really splurge !)

The wiser seniors claim that P1 is the most 'academically stressful' are probably right. Now the real hangover effects of partying, travelling and socialising really produce headaches. We never meant it this way, but when at Fontainebleau the only competitively priced product is alcohol, and there is hardly any public enterntainment facility, you can hardly blame us for attending one party after another...
(No...I am just joking...)

The truths are:

So much readings undone and so little time is left... The academic stress
P3 students who started their year at the Singapore campus always claim that INSEADers at Fontainebleau campus study much harder...the library at Singapore campus rarely hosts any diligent bookworm after 10pm, while the Fontainebleau library is opened 24-hour to accommodate an inelastic demand... wisdom from the senior promotion suggests that such painful situation will gradually improve as we learn to prioritize/multi-task/be less bothered by GPA, and particularly if we get to immerse in the Singapore campus culture for some months. we shall see.

Within the first 2 weeks many banker-aspirants found themselves pulled into the tornado of finance summer internship programme information sessions and company applications. Those genuinely motivated and armed with relevant experience naturally have the necessary bullets admist this financial crisis. Stress mounts as the illusion of having a luxury to first explore then decide bursts in the face of tougher selection by the banks. Luckier are those company-sponsored free souls and those un-seduced by the finance sector.

Networking is generally less efficient when we have >300 names and faces to remember. It adds to the challenge when we have names and accents from >70 nationalities. Study group is either a blessing or a curse. Most of us have little clue of how to complete the 2000-3000 word LPG (a.k.a. analyse your study group's characters, dynamic and functionality) essay due next week. To write 500-625 words about each group member is a great deal of over-diagnosis and description.

P1 is such a roller-coaster... it is so over-whelming and yet so sweet that I start to be nolstagic.


Unknown said...

Hi Bluey,

Have been on your blog and I would love to get in touch with you over mail. My address is - would be great if you can mail me. Would really appreciate it.



Unknown said...

Unless you're in love with your group, the paper won't be that big of a deal. If there are no problems whatsoever, that's a problem in and of itself.

Once you start writing, it's all downhill from there.

"X was always so nice and helpful until that day during the PM games when Y said that everyone from X's country smells funny..."

Good luck! said...

We can't hardly blame you for attending one party after another... It's up to you! Entertaining is a very good thing to relax and forgot about all your troubles! Kindest regards,

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