Saturday, May 26, 2007

Asian female in Global MBA

Generally female forms on average 25%-30% of most MBA student communities.

On average, Asian students represents less than 20% of the MBA student population.

There are, however, more active MBA bloggers who are female.

Would really love to establish contacts with fellow Asian female MBA students/applicants. :)

Hellooooooo !!!

information management

I've been trying to juggle a couple of things cocurrently, namely preparation for a financial industry professional qualification exam in June, MBA school research, brainstorming of points for application essays, preparation for GMAT in August, and of course my work.
Of course, it should be well expected of any working MBA applicant ...
(nice comments from friends : you ask for it....fine...)

Anyway, I am truly impressed but occasionally crushed by the vast amount of MBA related information online. The different perspectives and insights provided by different MBA students and applicants could be really useful. Afterall, a full time MBA is a serious financial and personal commitment with high opportunity cost. However, it is impossible to go through all information and the marginal utility of reading them decreases after a point.

Perhaps some suggestions for those who are going through the same process:
- website links recommended by fellow MBA student and applicants are generally of a proven quality
- Start organizing information gathered as early as possible, eg. a chart to categorize different qualities and characteristics of the schools.
- Avoid over-research. Excessive information is not necessary for a successful application. Concentrate however on the priority schools.

- The Smart People Learn From Their Mistakes, The Smarter Ones Learn From The Mistakes Of Others